A few words from past and present clients on how I work and how I can serve you.
Jon B, ON
Working with Ellie has changed how I think about my work and relationships. She continues to ask me questions that surprise me and make me rethink my choices in a way that opens us totally new avenues that I didn't see before. She offers a unique insight into body, mind and spirit. Something that seems too good to be true and yet every session with Ellie affords deeper insight.
Erik S, ON
Before I started seeing Elie, I thought there was only one way to treat my auto immune skin conditions, through traditional medicine. During COVID the steroids I was taking had stopped working and I was fearful I would need to start taking stronger meds that would have dangerous side effects on my body. I was also experiencing large lesions that were spreading and were becoming unmanageable. I decided to start being treated by Elie homeopathically, she quickly determined the root causes of my auto immune diseases and treating that as a long term goal. It started working almost right away, the homeopathic treatments relieved some of my major lesions due to psoriasis and strated clearing up my vitiligo, because of Elie's excellent treatment, I am on the road to recovery.
Elisha S, ON
My sessions with Ellie have helped me quickly dig to the core of what I was struggling with and with her masterful abilites got me to the root of what was going on. As well, she did not leave me hanging there but offered practical and immediate tools and steps to make changes and improve my situation. I wholeheartedly recommend Ellie as a coach and healer.
Sarah B
I have been working with Ellie for years. Her gifts and insights have helped me zero in and resolve some health issues I've had since my early teens. I highly recommend her to anyone who is serious about reclaiming their health.